Step-by-Step: Refresh Your Decent Espresso Machine's Mirror Lip
Step-by-Step: Refresh Your Decent Espresso Machine's Mirror Lip
Learn how to refresh your Decent Espresso machine's mirror lip with our detailed step-by-step guide. From tools needed to precise installation techniques, ensure your espresso machine remains in top condition.
Preparing for Mirror Lip Removal
Refreshing the mirror lip of your Decent Espresso machine involves a few simple steps that can make a big difference in maintaining its appearance and functionality. Before starting, gather the necessary tools: a flat-tongued pair of tweezers and a hairdryer. The hairdryer is essential for heating the adhesive, making removal easier. Optionally, a citrus-based solution can be used to speed up the process. This solution, when sprayed on the mirror lip, helps in loosening the adhesive faster. The machine might have accumulated some wear and tear marks, which is why it's important to handle the removal process delicately. Use the tweezers to gently pry off the mirror lip from the front plate once the adhesive is sufficiently heated.
Removing and Cleaning the Old Mirror Lip
Once the mirror lip is removed, there might be some residual adhesive left on the machine. This can be cleaned using the citrus solution or alcohol. Apply the solution and gently wipe the area to remove any leftover adhesive. This step is crucial to ensure that the new mirror lip adheres perfectly without any issues. During the removal, you might notice that the adhesive remains attached to the old mirror lip, which is a positive outcome as it makes cleaning easier. In cases where the sticker is still on the lip, it resembles the adhesive used in tablet stickers, as explained in the video tutorial.
Applying the New Mirror Lip
With the old mirror lip removed and the area cleaned, proceed to install the new mirror lip. Start by aligning it properly before peeling off the adhesive sticker. It's advisable to stick one side first to avoid bubbles and ensure a smooth application. Use your finger to press down on the mirror lip, making sure it's securely attached. The new mirror lip comes with a protective cover on top, which should only be removed after installation to prevent damage during the process. Once applied, your espresso machine will have a refreshed appearance with an unhindered view of your extractions. For a comprehensive guide, you can refer to the video demonstration.